I realize that I have been neglecting this blog, and for that I apologize. I don't have the internet at my house, so I kind of have to just be happy with whatever web-time I can grab while hanging out with someone else, and I usually don't have anything interesting to say at those times because I am distracted, or I just can't think of anything.
So I guess you should really be happy with the fact that I don't post something every time I get online, because if I DID, it would look something like this.
"Today I hung out with Jon, and we watched America's next Top Model and made fun of Miss J."
"Today Jon and I watched Moon. Sam Rockwell what?!"
"Today Jon and I hung out and we made fun of Miss J while watching America's Next Top Model."
"I like smells. I like weird smells."
"I have a cat. He's fat and funny. *commence three pages about how my cat is funny that you don't care about*"
"Zack and I went on a date! We got sushi! Have I ever told you guys how much I like sushi? Because I like it a LOT."
"Today, I watched America's Next Top Model with Jon, and we talked about what a gimmicky douchebag Miss J is."
This has forced me to admit to all of you that I am an incredibly boring person. No, really. Most of the time I am sitting around in my pajamas watching TV. Not even new shows! Reruns. Or cancelled shows on DVD. When I AM around people, I pretty much do the same thing. If they have internet, I'll bring my laptop over and sit on their couch going through ICanHasCheezburger and being like "HEY LOOK GUYS, LOOK AT THESE PICTURES. AREN'T THEY FUNNY? LOOK, THAT CAT IS IN A PRINGLES CAN."
I have internets you can blog at, if you needs em.