That kid is a badass. He is DANGLING from a GIANT GOLDEN EAGLE. OVER A RIVER. And that is a BOB NEWHART MOUSE. Also, coming soon to Laser Disc? That is some serious business.
I don't typically make my resolutions at the very beginning of the New Year; I tend to just kind of come up with more as I go along. Tonight I've got two more resolutions, bringing my total count to. . . three.
My resolutions thus far are:
-have at LEAST one Halloween party. Like, actually have one, instead of saying I want to have one for a year and then not doing it, like I do every year.
-be more attentive to this blog, and doing silly cartoons and stuff for that more often.
-be more honest and open with people.
Tonight I'm kicking two of those resolutions in the ASS. So, in my first blog of 2011, here is a list of weird facts about me that most people don't know.
-I do everything in odd numbers, and in multiples of seven if I can. I always use seven deodorant swipes under each arm. I use odd numbers of exclamation marks when being emphatic!!! I made three resolutions. And so forth.
-I feel really guilty about choosing favorite video game characters, because I don't play video games very much, so I don't feel I deserve to. Dry Bones is my favorite Mario character, but I've never played Mario. I just think he's cute. And even though I play Pokemon, I don't play it religiously, and I've only ever played Diamond. So I don't feel like I'm allowed to like Mudkips as much as I do.
-I am absolutely TERRIFIED of centipedes. The hairy ones that crawl really fast in swirly directions? I scream when I see one of those. They freak me out. My hair actually stands up on end. Same with silverfish. *shudder*
-I want to write, illustrate, and hopefully publish, a children's book about a kid with German heritage not understanding why it's cool to be German. Seriously. Shut up.
-I read terrible teen novels sometimes. I own a copy of the first Monster High book. I own TWO copies of Twilight (although that's because I wanted to review one, and a former friend left her copy in my car and then forgot both I and it existed, and I still haven't read it all the way through because I get sick of it really fast). I have read, and continue to re-read, every single Princess Diaries book that exists. This doesn't mean I like these books (except for Princess Diaries. I love those). I just read them. And own a few. The same goes for silly teen movies, and shows, although I don't own any seasons of dumb teen shows.
-I have this weird fascination with picking at things. I don't use my athlete's foot medicine because I like peeling the skin off, which is gross. I tear my nails instead of ever clipping them. I get this weird urge to pop other people's zits, which has led to some weird and hilarious post-relationship conversations with exes.
-I hate when people say "That's so meta." On sort of the same note I am seriously considering using the phrase "that's so Raven" in my daily life. Or at least using that to correct people who say "That's so meta."
-I don't get back to people when they call or text me. Not because I'm doing anything better, or because I don't want to talk to them; it's because over the last year or so I've developed this weird anxiety about talking to people other than the ones I see every day.
There you have it. A bunch of weird (and slightly upsetting) facts about me, to kick your dumb year off right. I'll see you guys in a couple days, when school starts and I need something to do in the student lounge between classes.
Happy New Year, losers! It's gonna be dawesome.