It usually comes out in the form of saying something entirely unnecessary and stupid. This has been happening for as long as I can remember.

This was not nearly as funny at the time.
As the years went by it only got worse. It evolved from silly outbursts protesting double standards, which I guess are kind of understandable, to in-depth conversations about something no one wants to hear,

to ENTIRELY UNCALLED-FOR RESPONSES to innocuous statements,

to just plain stupid remarks to coworkers hoping to get a laugh.

It only comes out when I’m around people I don’t know that well, which is just about the worst possible time. I mean, what better way to tell someone “hey, I’m a well-adjusted person who is well-suited for social situations and intelligent conversation”, than bustin’ out with “oh, you were popular in high school? Was your high school ON THE MOON?! HAHAHA I’M JUST KIDDING.”
Everybody wants to be friends with THAT guy, right?
I shudder to think what I’m going to be like in even just five years. And can you imagine when I’m SIXTY? I’m going to be that lady that just hangs around retail stores weirding people out until someone has to ask me to leave. Giving people CANDY out of DRIPPING PAPER BAGS.
We have those at Target. OH GOD WE HAVE THOSE AT TARGET.

That’s not a butterscotch. DON’T TAKE IT, KID I MADE UP. IT CAN ONLY END BADLY.